Chiang Mai University Faculty of Nursing Exchange Program
Following the Chiang Mai Hosting Program , a group of MPNU students travels to Chiang Mai, Thailand, for a week of study abroad each year. Our students reside on the CMU campus in the Faculty of Nursing’s international dormitory after being greeted at the airport by CMU students. Students participate in a variety of on- and off-campus activities during their stay.
The week begins with an introduction to the CMU Faculty of Nursing, a campus tour, and a presentation on nursing education in Thailand. Through a series of lectures by CMU faculty, students learn about the Thai health care system. After morning lectures, students are taken on site visits to healthcare facilities such as the University Hospital, local clinics, and centers for Thai traditional medicine.
At the end of the week, students deliver a wrap-up presentation in English on what they have learned over the week. This is followed by a student exchange party organized by CMU International Program students. The party includes traditional food of Chiang Mai, traditional Thai dances, music, and games.
On weekends, students are accompanied by CMU students on sightseeing tours to cultural sites, elephant camps, and night markets.
After returning to Japan, our students write reports and make posters about their experiences to present to other students on campus, as well as the community at the school festival and open campus events.

Korea Homestay Program
A group of students visits South Korea for a homestay program during the summer break between first and second semester. Students stay in Korea for one week and visit two major cities: Gwangju and Seoul.
In Gwangju, students engage in an exchange program with Chosun Nursing College, one of MPNU’s partner universities, with whom we host the Chosun Nursing College Hosting Program. While at CNC, our students interact and participate in exchanges with CNC students and faculty. In addition to a campus tour, our students learn about CNC’s nursing program and are shown the labs, clinical practice rooms, simulated practice models, and other medical technologies. Students also enjoy exploring Gwangju.
Students spend their time in Seoul staying with local Korean families and experiencing Korean culture, as well as visiting self-selected research destinations. Students also tour a variety of traditional and historical locations, such as history museums, street markets, and the North-South Korea Joint Security Area and Demilitarized Zone. They also have the chance to experience a traditional Korean sauna (hanjeungmak).

America Homestay Program
In this homestay program, our students travel to San Jose, California, and spend one week immersed in American culture. Students begin their homestay upon arrival in San Jose, spending the first day getting to know their host family and enjoying time together. Students also spend time at various health and educational facilities.
Students visit a Japanese-American senior care center as one of the healthcare facilities. There, they connect with the residents and participate in cultural activities such as making origami with the residents. After their tour of the care facility, students also learn about the history of Japanese-Americans in California at the local Japanese-American history museum and Japan Town.
Students also spend two days at an area high school, interacting with the American students and engaging in cultural exchange with the Japanese language class. MPNU students deliver a presentation about Japanese culture, Miyazaki, and their nursing studies.
The program also includes a visit to San Jose State University. MPNU students visit both the School of Nursing and the Japanese Language Program in the Department of World Languages and Literatures. During their visit, they also tour the university’s health center and a local hospital.

Indonesia Study Abroad Program
This program, which was launched recently, is centered in and around Jakarta and offers a diverse range of exchanges, cultural experiences, and site tours including visits to a variety of institutions.
At one university, our students deliver a presentation about MPNU and Japanese culture. They then participate in specialist nursing meetings, such as public health, and exercises, even accompanying nurses on house visits to see patients. At another school, our students attend a study session for Indonesian nurses preparing to take the Japanese National Nursing Examination. Students then interact with Japanese volunteers who are assisting in the preparation of Indonesian nurses.
Students usually visit Indonesian medical sites, such as hospitals, where they are given a tour of the facility and then interact with hospital personnel. The MPNU group also often attends Japanese language classes, where they share about themselves and Japanese culture.
Students have visited the National History Museum, Indonesian cultural areas, and botanical garden as part of the cultural exchanges and experiences. They have also attended the Jakarta Japan Festival and visited one of Jakarta’s most well-known mosques.