Joel Hensley
ヘンスリー ジョール
学部講義担当 博士前期課程担当
Communication is essential in both nursing and life, and my goal is to develop better communicators, regardless of language or background.
領域・職名 Field・Title |
個の尊重と看護 (講師) Assistant Professor |
学位 Degree |
修士 (MATESL) Eastern Michigan University |
担当科目 Courses |
<学部> (Undergraduate Program) 英語 I・II・III・IV、看護英語 English I-IV, English for Nursing <大学院前期課程> (Master's Program) 英語特別演習 Special English Seminar |
研究テーマ Research Theme |
応用言語学・教育学 | Applied linguistics, Pedagogy 看護専門のための英語 | English for nursing purposes (ENP) 異文化間コミュニケーション | Intercultural communication |
学外活動 Off-campus Activity |
JANET 全国看護英語教育学会 JALT 全国語学教育学会 JACET 大学英語教育学会 (九州・沖縄支部 ESP 研究会) KASELE 九州英語教育学会 文化看護学会 (Society of Cultural Nursing Studies) |
学内委員会 Committees |
国際交流 International Exchange 研究紀要 Research Journal 広報 Public Relations |
オフィスアワー Office Hours |
前期 月曜日 2時限目 (10:40~) 後期 火曜日 2時限目 (10:40~) |
業績 Research |
第二言語の習得についての研究,特に看護専門のための英語学を進行中です。 Ongoing research into second language development, particularly in the area of English for Nursing Purposes (ENP). 論文 | Publications ESP in university-level education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A collective report from college English teachers (with Tamao Araki, Hisako Yamauchi, Naoko Kawakita, et al.) Research and Practice in ESP, 13 The role of EFL teachers in nursing students' cross-cultural awareness: Analysis of students' final papers (with Naoko Kawakita) Proceedings from the 46th Annual Conference of KASELE | 第46回 九州英語教育学会 沖縄研究大会 A cross-cultural awareness course for nursing students (with Naoko Kawakita) 宮崎県立看護大学研究紀要 | Journal of Miyazaki Prefectural Nursing University 2018 Study abroad programs at Miyazaki Prefectural Nursing University | Nursing English Nexus (JANET 全国看護英語教育学会) 2017 Seeking savvy: A survey course. Proceedings of CLaSIC 2014 Quantifying incorporation of feedback on written essays 長崎県立大学国際情報学部研究紀要 | Journal of the Faculty of Global Communication: University of Nagasaki 2013 A glimpse into intra-individual oral performance in a semester-long audio journal 長崎県立大学国際情報学部研究紀要 | Journal of the Faculty of Global Communication: University of Nagasaki 2012 Developing multimedia English for tourism e-learning materials on UNESCO's World Heritage sites (2): Tripartite purposes and trial materials (with Dr. Hisako Yamauchi, Mariko Oda, and Takahiro Kawamata) 長崎県立大学国際情報学部研究紀要 | Journal of the Faculty of Global Communication: University of Nagasaki 2012 A report on the development of teaching audience-appropriate English speeches in a collaborative task-based framework 長崎大学環境科学学部研究紀要 | Journal of the Faculty of Environmental Science: Nagasaki University 2011 I tube...Do YouTube? Virtual portfolios for reflective learning and peer review (Chapter) (with Kathleen Snyder-Parampil) Authenticity in the Language Classroom and Beyond: Adult Learners. TESOL 発表 | Presentations Developing an English-speaking simulated patient program for student doctors and nurses (with Alan Simpson & Yu Hirai) The Fifth Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching (JANET) Conference on Nursing English, Morioka Exploring cross-cultural nursing in Japan to create English for specific purposes materials The Ninth CLS International Conference CLaSIC 2022, online A survey of intercultural nursing perspectives in Japan Conference on Communication, Medicine, and Ethics (COMET) 20th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, online A cross-cultural nursing self-assessment for Japanese nurses The 4th Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching (JANET) Conference on Nursing English, online Cross-cultural nursing perspectives of Japanese nurses The 3rd Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching (JANET) Conference on Nursing English, online Transcultural nursing: Perspectives of nursing university faculty in Japan Transcultural Nursing Society Conference in Japan 2020, online 日本における看護系大学教員による異文化間看護に関する実践能力:異文化間看護教育ニーズの理解に向けて 文化看護学会第12回学術集会、オンライン 実習経験が乏しい看護大学生のための海外研修プログラムの教育的意義 (with Naoko Kawakita) 日本国際看護学会 第3回学術集会 横浜 Linking nursing study with intercultural communication content for intercultural awareness in an English for nursing purposes course (with Naoko Kawakita) The 2nd Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching (JANET) Conference on Nursing English, Nagano In my culture: Analyzing nursing students' intercultural competence through cross-cultural nursing presentation plans (with Naoko Kawakita) The Eighth CLS International Conference CLaSIC 2018, Singapore Can students independently apply cultural information in their professional area? Analysis of student outcomes in an ESP course (with Naoko Kawakita) 大学英語教育学会 (JACET) English for Specific Purposes 研究会, Kumamoto From talkers to communicators: International communication in nursing ESP Sojo University Teaching and Learning Forum (SUTLF) 2018, JALT NanKyu Chapter, Kumamoto The role of EFL teachers in nursing students' cross-cultural awareness: Analysis of students' final papers (with Naoko Kawakita) The 46th Annual Conference of The Kyushu Academic Society of English Language Education (KASELE) 2017, Okinawa A nursing ESP course for cross-cultural awareness The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) 43rd Annual International Conference 2017, Tsukuba A cross-cultural awareness course for nursing students (with Naoko Kawakita) The 29th Annual Conference of The Japan Association of College English Teachers, Kyushu-Okinawa Chapter 2017, Miyazaki Seeking savvy: Exploring a survey-based course for science majors The Sixth CLS International Conference CLaSIC 2014, Singapore Relationships between editing competence and writing competence (with Dr. Richard Hodson) The Sixth CLS International Conference CLaSIC 2014, Singapore Challenges in college English education in Japan (with Dr. Hisako Yamauchi, Mariko Oda, and Takahiro Kawamata) 10°Congresso Brasileiro de Linguistica Aplicada (10th Congress of Brazilian Applied Linguistics) |