

For the purpose of academic and educational development, our university has ongoing exchanges with institutions abroad for three purposes:

  1. broadening the perspective of our faculty and students through information exchanges with our sister universities,
  2. disseminating our university’s nursing approach, and
  3. expanding our network internationally through academic and educational cooperation.

We currently have academic and educational exchange agreements with seven institutions.

We also have programs for overseas training for students. The Short-Term Study Abroad Scholarship Program provides funds for students to study abroad on independent research projects during the semester breaks.

Short-Term Study Abroad Scholarship Program

This program offers an opportunity for students wanting to take up the challenge of learning abroad based on their university education. Students are recruited through the submission of their own, original study abroad plans, which are screened with interviews, if necessary. Typically, two students get scholarships to support them in covering the cost of studying abroad.

Short-Term Study Abroad Programs

We offer several programs in conjunction with our sister schools to help our students expand their horizons and learning through short-term intercultural experiences.

Hosting Programs

We host Thai exchange students from Chiang Mai University’s Faculty of Nursing for a week in mid-May, during which time the CMU students are hosted by our students. Since 2016, we have also been hosting a visit from Korean nursing students from Chosun Nursing College in December.

Research Exchange

MPNU faculty members also have research and educational exchanges with universities abroad.