Research Exchange
The Psychiatric Nursing research team (Michiko Kawamura, Yoshitaka Kawano, & Shingo Kuzushima), together with Dr. Budi Anna Keliat, a psychiatric nursing specialist at the University of Indonesia, signed a research agreement and launched a joint research project titled “A comparative study of the nursing mindset toward patients with mental illness in different cultures”.The research team, led by Prof. Kawamura, has had an ongoing exchange with Dr. Keliat since 2018 upon traveling to Indonesia in the same year, during which time the team visited the National Bogor Psychiatric Hospital (Rumah Sakit Marzuki Mahdi) located in Bogor, Indonesia. This hospital was visited by Dr. Shūzō Kure of Tokyo Imperial University on his way to study abroad in Europe in 1898, as well as Emil Kraepelin, the well-known German psychiatrist, who visited in the early 20th century and published about his research there. This is thus an important hospital in the history of psychiatry. This hospital was also visited by the Japanese psychiatrist Hisao Nakai around 1980. As such, the team had invaluable privilege to experience this same hospital said to have been visited by experts in the field of psychiatry. We were able to visit the acute psychiatric ward, where Dr. Keliat, our research collaborator, is consulting. We also had discussions and exchanged information with the hospital director and staff on mental health care and nursing in both our countries. Through our exchanges, all agreed that we want to collaborate our research for the recovery of patients with mental illness, whose rights will not be denied no matter the circumstances around the world. We are now planning to further our collaborative research with Dr. Keliat and other faculty members of the University of Indonesia in charge of international exchange and joint academic research.